mandag, juli 09, 2007


I bryllupet holdt Tobias og Kjetil ein fin tale til oss under kafen. I går fikk eg vite at denne talen no var lagt ut på nettet og at du kan finnen den på YouTube. Så skulle du ha lyst og høre kva min kamerater sa om med i bryllupet er dette ein ypperlig mulighet. Kjetil snakka på norsk og Tobias tolka det til engelsk, Kanskje ikkje den mest riktige tolkinga etter ein engelsklærer sin smak.
Her er Tobias sin kommentar om filmen: A friend and I did a speach on a Norwegian wedding of two of our friends. He spoke good stuff in Norwegian and I translated it into totally wrong (and therefore funny!) English. Worked great on the wedding, but doesn't sound that good here. It's a precious memory to some few of us. (e.g. he said "You should always think of the other first, instead of yourself" - I translated "You should think... about something, maybe about you... maybe about the other... maybe you should think together... or ..maybe you should not think at all! I think that's it! Don't think at all.") (it's a joke, I'm not that stupid in reality *g*)